best quotes about life
best quotes about life
best quotes about life

Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time. ~Jean Paul Richter
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. ~Larry Lorenzoni
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." "We're not raising grass," Dad would reply. "We're raising boys." ~Harmon Killebrew
Are we not like two volumes of one book? ~Marceline Desbordes-Valmore
I would like to take the same trip in early October,alone. If you have any info or suggestions I would appreciate them ~Author Unknown
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836

want to ride mcbain to clinton for 1st try is west to east the way to go and how long should that take ~Author Unknown
I still have a full deck; I just shuffle slower now. ~Author Unknown
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
I am planning to hike the trail from Clinton & ending in St. Charles this March. I am a ultra runner from Colorado but I used to live in Alton Illinois and this trail has always interest me. My plan is to hike/run the trail in 5 days or less. Can ... ~Branch Rickey
May you live to be a hundred yearsWith one extra year to repent. ~Author Unknown
The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left. ~Jerry M. Wright
Wonderful Employer! One man who works for them told my husband he drew a disabled pension and gets paid cash with no income taxes taken out, my husband works 2 part time jobs and is now trying to draw disability, if he gets his disability he is goin... ~Bob Hope

Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle. ~Bob Hope
The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left. ~Jerry M. Wright
Sherman made the terrible discovery that men make about their fathers sooner or later... that the man before him was not an aging father but a boy, a boy much like himself, a boy who grew up and had a child of his own and, as best he could, out of a sense of duty and, perhaps love, adopted a role called Being a Father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a Protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. ~Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities
Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
For example I was thinking on setting up a resizer & cropper for making it fit your desktop resolution in a better way. ~John Gregory Brown, Decorations in a Ruined Cemetery, 1994
We advance in years somewhat in the manner of an invading army in a barren land; the age that we have reached, as the saying goes, we but hold with an outpost, and still keep open communications with the extreme rear and first beginnings of the march. ~Robert Louis Stevenson, "Virginibus Puerisque II," Virginibus Puerisque, 1881
If you're headed east from Rhineland, be sure to stock up on water here. ~Truman Capote

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age. ~Robert Frost
Would it even be possible to add a "suggested wallpaper" feature that analyzes your favored walls and shows similar ones? ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. ~Mark Twain
To carry the discussion a step further do you think that a regular road bike with 27"/1" would work for the entire length of the Katy Trail? ~Dorothy Fulheim
I'm not talking about a "show me other walls of this thing" button, I mean a "stumble" button for wallbase. ~William Wordsworth

We know we're getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it. ~Author Unknown
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. ~Mark Twain
We are interested in doing the DNR Katy Trail Ride next June.My sister Charlotte Lazzeroni and brother-in-law Jim want us to do it with them. ~Dan Bennett
When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not; but my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember any but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it. ~Mark Twain
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